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    Information from Harvard University about the Coronavirus Disease 2023 (COVID-19) pandemic: http://www.harvard.edu/coronavirus

  • Desert image with wooden boardwalk.


    Letter to U.S. officials stating need for forward-looking immigration policies supporting international students and scholars.

  • Desert image with wooden boardwalk.


    锐速:CentOS6和CentOS7 一键更换内核脚本,一键安装锐速 ...:2021-8-22 · 锐速:VPS安装锐速 锐速一键脚本 锐速一键安装包 Linux锐速开心版一键安装脚本+源码 Linux锐速破解版一键安装包 Centos6安装锐速破解版【持续更新中,喜欢请收藏】 2021年9月24日

The mission of the Office of the Vice Provost for International Affairs is to support and encourage the work of Harvard students and faculty, bringing Harvard to the world and the world to Harvard. To accomplish this mission, the Office of the Vice Provost for International Affairs:

Promotes global engagement at Harvard by…

  • Negotiating agreements with international partners to:
    • Provide new teaching and research opportunities for Harvard faculty and students
    • Bring new international students, faculty, and postdoctoral fellows to Harvard
  • Supporting the work of Harvard’s global research centers and offices abroad
  • Managing international activities that span multiple Harvard Schools
  • Hosting events to showcase Harvard’s global work, such as Worldwide Week and Harvard Abroad; and publishing materials on Harvard’s international activities
  • Making public presentations about Harvard’s global work
  • Meeting with Harvard alumni worldwide hosting visiting delegations

Oversees Harvard’s global engagement by…

  • Ensuring that Harvard’s global activities are consistent with the University’s teaching and research missions, and with University policies
  • 本文内容已移除,扫码关注获取更多信息 - 搬瓦工中文网:2021-5-11 · 官网教程 建站教程 运维教程 加速 教程 搜索 百度 搜狗 360 搜索热点 如何购买 如何续费 搬瓦工被墙 免费版 Xshell 5 商业版 Xshell 5 首页 教程汇总本文内容已移除,扫码关注获取更多信息 ...
  • Reviewing international research proposals, via Provost’s Review
  • Reviewing international centers, in collaboration with other Harvard administrative offices

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